A stopmotion Animation by Rebecca Agnew
The Dabblers, Music Damien Sutton, HDV, 2018
Duration 7 minutes 13 seconds
Directors cut duration 22:16
Ltd Edition 3 + AP

‘The Dabblers’ is a stop motion animation is set in an ancient cave with mineral formations and delicately woven mandala’s made from modelling material. The protagonist King Richard III is a royal archaeologist, inspired by his excavated remains under a parking lot in Leicester. His reckless quest to reclaim fortune with the support of historical blue god figures on stilts is interrupted by his detainee of captive slave ducks and an interesting case of unrequited love.
The ducks, unable to migrate north are forced in poor conditions to dig for artefacts and eventually become despondent and reactionary to the denial of their basic duck rights. With the courage of their ancestors the ducks ceremonially come together in an uprising. Unbeknownst to King Richard III he bequeathed his mystery once again to the insatiable cycle of the culture curious who are forced to solve his tyranny.

Film Available as a Ltd Edition 1/1 + AP, the edition comes with an artefact from the set.
Photographic Stills Available, single editions signed by the artist.